Moreton Bay Regional Council will commence the next stage of a weed management plan in the next few weeks. A large aquatic weed harvester will be deployed on Lake Eden to remove large volumes of unsightly weeds.
“Over the next few weeks, council will be securing an access point for the machine to enter the lake, and it is expected the harvester can start operation shortly after that, “Cr Greer said.”
“Removal of the weeds is expected to take up to fourteen days, with ongoing treatment such as weed spraying to be undertaken to help control the aquatic weeds.”
According to Councillor Greer the weed removal operation had been announced following her visit to the lake on Friday with the Mayor.
“Mayor Allan Sutherland joined me on Friday to inspect the lake and agreed that council needs to commence the next stage of the weed management plan to help clean up Lake Eden,” she said.
“Council is also reviewing options for controlling the number of eels in the lake.”