DURING a time of her life when she should be slowing down, Marie Ellsworth loves keeping busy by volunteering her time to help others.
The vibrant 80-year-old is one of the star volunteers at the Brighton Wellness Hub and the residential aged care facility, where she has been volunteering for more than 30 years.
One of Marie’s roles is to ensure everyone who visits the hub feels connected, which has been especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Since COVID, a lot of things has changed. Everybody needs someone at the moment,” she says.
“But I am here to help people when they do need someone or need some company. I’m here to have a chat and listen to them.”
Marie helps staff at the hub plan an array of weekly activities such as card games and line dancing.
She also assists aged care residents when they head out on bus trips to Toowoomba’s Carnival of Flowers, Sea World, Movie World, the horse races and more.
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