Local Federal Member Luke Howarth MP invited the Prime Minister to Beefy’s on Wednesday, to discuss the Tanda system.
“Tanda was founded by four university students, who decided they didn’t want ordinary jobs and had a great idea for an affordable payroll and rostering system,” said Luke Howarth MP.
“It’s great to see the founders’ vision up and running; helping small businesses in my electorate become more productive and profitable.”
Tanda founder Tasmin Trezise said the software manages when staff work and how much they get paid.
“With the support of businesses like Beefy’s, Tanda has grown from an idea in a university pub to a team of more than twenty employees in just three years.”
Beefy’s Pies Mango Hill owner Mark Hobbs explained one of the more contemporary benefits of Tanda.
“The system is attractive to young employees because instead of writing on paper, they can ‘clock in’ to work taking a selfie and receive upcoming shifts on their mobile. This increases retention and makes the workplace inviting to a younger, tech wired generation.”