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Safe room opens at Petrie Police Station

By Jemma Chegwidden

A newly created victim statement room is now operational at Petrie Police Station. The room provides a safe place for domestic and sexual abuse victims, as well as other vulnerable people, to speak with police and provide statements.

The Zonta Club of Pine Rivers worked with the station’s Officer-in-Charge to furnish the newly designated space.

Club President Bronwyn Evans says her members raised money to buy furniture, including a sofa and coffee table, to make the room more comfortable for those using it.

“We also provided soft furnishings to bring warmth to the room and make the experience less intimidating,” Bronwyn explains.

“We have also purchased toys and books for any children who accompany the person using the room.”

Police station ‘safe rooms’ were one of the recommendations of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family Violence.

For more about this article please click here.

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