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Redcliffe Giving Day success

By Jemma Chegwidden

The community opened their hearts and purses for Redcliffe Hospital Giving Day on October 14 to ensure patients who face lengthy recovery or are in the final stages of life can enjoy ‘touches of home’ while they are cared for in the Rehabilitation and Palliative Care Units.

RBWH Foundation CEO Simone Garske has paid tribute to the extraordinary generosity of Giving Day donors who raised just over $224,000.

“Redcliffe Hospital staff have long wished to transform and refresh the Rehabilitation and Palliative Care Units’ patient lounges and outdoor courtyards with furnishings and décor that add warmth and charm,” Ms Garske said.

“The impact of this incredible generosity will assist patients and their families, now and into the future.”

For further information, click here.

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