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Mum fights to save Suttons Beach Pavilion from demolition

By Jemma Chegwidden

A mother with a lifetime of fond memories at Suttons Beach Pavilion has started an online petition in a bid to stop Council from demolishing the building.

Jodie Starr, from Deception Bay, says she feels something has to be done to “stop another iconic building being lost forever”.

“We are losing so many historic buildings from Redcliffe, and I feel Suttons Beach Pavilion is quite special and one of the last original buildings left,” Jodie says.

“I have to do something to at least try and stop the demolition because this building is loved by so many people in the community.

“I know there are a lot of issues with the building, but what I want to know is why did Council continue to let it deteriorate over this long period of time and not do something about it earlier.

“What I would like the Council to do is at least do a community consultation before any of these decisions are made and the building is lost forever.”

Presently, the petition on has more than 9,200 signatures.

For further information on this article, click here.

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