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Lights, camera, Dolphins

By Jemma Chegwidden

Dolphins’ NRL players, staff and supporters had a sneak peek at the Stan Original documentary series Dawn of the Dolphins, during the series premiere at Palace Cinemas yesterday.

Check out the blue carpet photos at the end of this story

It’s the result of 18 months of unprecedented fly-on-the-wall-style filming, aiming to tell the club’s story and attract a new legion of fans.

The documentary is the brainchild of Dolphins NRL CEO Terry Reader who saw it as an opportunity to reach out to a national audience.

It was produced by Onion TV’s Nick Piper who has been embedded in the club for the past year-and-a-half. The first episode will air on Stan on March 6, the day after the club’s historic round one debut against the Roosters at Suncorp Stadium.

Reader says there’s plenty to be excited about as the game edges closer and he believes the documentary will add to the buzz.

For further information, click here.

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