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IKEA Updates

Over 250 staff are need across all areas of the Ikea store including the furniture showroom, checkouts, sales, Ikea restaurant, children’s play areas, interior design, visual merchandising and management. With the new signage up, there is no doubt IKEA will be opening Christmas this year. Recruitment is taking place during May and June of this year. Being employed with IKEA has unrivalled co-worker benefits including parental leave that is well above the Federal Government requirements, flexible working hours and a day of paid volunteer leave.

“At IKEA we believe in people. Everyone is seen as talent and, as a result, we invest a lot in our co-workers” said IKEA store Manger Stefano Bizarri.

“The IKEA culture is based on a spirit of togetherness, enthusiasm and fun and we are always looking for people who share our positive attitude, values and love for home furnishings”.

“We are looking for co-workers who have a good sense of responsibility, a desire to share our entrepreneurial spirit and will love to roll up their sleeves to make Ikea even better place to work,” Stefano Bizzarri said.

The store will be 29,000sqm and will have two levels, a similar size to Logan IKEA and will include an IKEA showroom, Markethall, Self Service Warehouse, Swedish Food Market, Bistro and Restaurant. North Lakes IKEA store will be the second store in Queensland.

If you are interested in a position with IKEA North Lakes you can apply on their website.


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