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Couple delivering whole lot of help for Ukraine

By Jemma Chegwidden

The couple behind a high-tech new entertainment precinct at North Lakes won’t be there for its official opening today – for a very good reason.

Instead, Dr Anthony Mahler and wife Olga will be in Poland, which has taken in more than two million Ukrainian refugees fleeing Russian attacks in the past few weeks.

The Mahlers, along with son Michael, have been in Warsaw for about two weeks, helping provide accommodation and other necessities such as technology for desperate refugees.

While disappointed to miss the opening Olga, who grew up in Ukraine, says: “There is no other place in the world I could be at the moment”.

As they continue their work, Hey Caddy general manager Dean Cullen and Moreton Bay Regional Council Deputy Mayor Jodie Shipway will be on hand to oversee official proceedings to launch the precinct, which opened its doors in January.

While patrons explore Hey Caddy, the Mahlers will travel from Warsaw to the Ukraine border to deliver vital technology to blind people, including a journalist, so he can continue his vital work.

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