During the month of August, National Wellness Month focuses on self-care, managing stress and promoting healthy and sustainable routines. Create some wholesome habits in your lifestyle all month long and see how much better you feel!
Research has shown a little self-care helps manage stress and anxiety and promotes happiness. Whether you challenge yourself to a new yoga pose or try a different spa treatment, making a small, positive change will impact your health in a positive way.
There are numerous ways to make those small changes including:
- Increasing your water intake
- Adding more fruits and veggies to your meals
- Monitoring your sleep and making necessary adjustments for better sleep habits
- Joining a yoga, walking, or aerobics class
- Learning to meditate
- Trying a new treatment such as infrared sauna, massage, acupuncture etc
- Reducing the amount of time spent on social media and watching TV
These small steps can lead to many more healthy habits in your lifestyle.
How will you incorporate more wellness into your life?